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Quick Knowledge
Campaign & Contest

About the campaign

This campaign was aimed at space experts, enthusiasts, young professionals, students – universities and even schools. The main goal of this campaign was to engage with various target groups so they would create knowledge that was published in a very engaging way on the HATCH web portal.  

What did WIT Berry team do?

WIT Berry’s team came up with the idea and implemented the campaign and contest from A – Z. 

The Challenge

The main challenge was to engage with various target audiences and motivate them to invest their time and effort in creating a content - texts and visuals (video or imagages) about space related topics - astronomy, space launch, technologies, achievements, propulsion systems and more.

The Outcome

We managed to attract more than 30 active participants who created their Quick Knowledge. The participants were researchers, school teachers, students, start-ups and even citizens. We attracted a great amount of visitors on the website during the vote phase - where every user could vote for their favorite Quick Knowlwdge. We secured a sponsor who provided a telescope for the winner of the contest.

Media coverage

The information about the launch of the HATCH was published in various media, it was also shared on social media by stakeholders, media, bloggers as well as individuals. here are links to some of the publications. 

Roberts from Latvia

What have we done?

We provide guaranteed services for your device


We came up with a win-win-win strategy - to engage with various audiences, gain the unique content for the web portal and attract traffic to HATCH.


We created a campaignto promote the contest in all European countries with a focus on countries that were represented by the consortium partners.

Communication with Sponsor

We created a nice value proposition to a private company that became our sponsor for this contest and provided a telescope to the winner of the contest. In return, we promoted the company.

Here are the results of the campaign

Here you can see only some of the authors of the Quick Knowledge contest. Each participant provided a valuable content and visual materials - at least 5 - 10 slides that spoke about their favourite topic.

Contact us!

We are ready to contribute and help you achieve your project’s goals! ​